In-stream Restoration Workshop

What: Learn about in-stream habitat restoration techniques. Chapter 14 of The Streamkeepers Handbook, “An Introductory Handbook for In-stream Habitat Restoration Projects\” will be used as reference for the workshop. This module can be found online by clicking here.
  • Morning presentation and slide show with the afternoon to inspect stream restoration sites and review methods
Topics Included: Stream hydrology and site assessment
  • Determine the state of the recovery curve of a watershed
  • Review simple principles of water flow
Planning and Approvals
  • What you can and can’t do and when.
  • Review of permit checklist – Sec 9, fish collection, agency contact list
Restoration techniques and design:
  • Large woody debris placement
  • Spawning gravel placement
  • Off Channel habitat
  • Debris jams
  • Garbage Clean up
  • Storm Water Management – Rain Gardens
  • Barriers & Beaver dams
  • Others
Instructor: Dave Clough, RP Bio, has been restoring fish and stream habitat and training habitat stewards on Vancouver Island for 25 years. Who: It is suggested that course participants have a background in streamkeeping or riparian restoration for example: taken a Streamkeepers Course
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