Even if you don’t own property in need of protection, you can help save parts of the Cowichan Valley for future generations. The CCLT is a private volunteer organization, so we need donations of money, services, supplies, or equipment.
Contact the Cowichan Land Trust to discuss estate planning and donations of land, interests in land, or conservation covenants. Show your support today by making a donation – Click the icons to donate online through CanadaHelps.org:
If you would like to become a member of the Cowichan Community Land Trust Society, and/or would like to make a donation, please use our online payment system hosted on CanadaHelps.org.
To pay for a membership online, click on the image on the left. Then, on the page that loads, fill in $20 as your donation amount and choose “Membership” under the “Fund/Designation” field. You can also pay by cheque or money order. Print out our membership form by clicking here. Then, mail it to the address below along with a cheque or money order made out to “Cowichan Community Land Trust Society“
Cowichan Community Land Trust Society
#6 – 55 Station Street
Duncan, British Columbia, Canada
V9L 1M2
We greatly appreciate your support!
Charitable Tax receipts are issued for all donations. Our Charitable Registration Number is:
89596 4856 RR0001
Even more, we need people willing to join in and donate their time, energy, and talent to protecting land in the Cowichan Valley Regional District.